Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Trophy Club Journal

For the People

Vigil for Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Town Hall

Saturday night, citizens gathered in a social-distanced candlelight vigil at the Trophy Club Town Hall for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - to honor her life, work and legacy.
Trophy Club Citizens gather in vigil for Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Trophy Club Town Hall.
Trophy Club Citizens gather in vigil for Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Trophy Club Town Hall.

09/20/2020 – Trophy Club, TX

Saturday night, citizens gathered in a social-distanced candlelight vigil at the Trophy Club Town Hall for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – to honor her life, work and legacy.

In comments to the Trophy Club Journal, the organizer of the event, Diane Gil stated, “The theme of this vigil is ‘In Honor and Action’. In solidarity we reflected on the enormous legacy left to us by RBG. We collectively shared the inspirations of Justice Ginsburg’s life and leadership as a call to fire up our own feminist action. May the memory of RGB be a revolution!”.

15 people were in attendance at the event. A few citizens spoke of what the late Justice meant to them.

Diane has been a Trophy Club Resident since 2013. She refers to herself as an Activist, Community Organizer & Feminist. She has participated in a couple of Black Lives Matter protest this summer, and attended the March on Washington in August. She currently has several of virtual registration events scheduled to kick off next week across Denton, Dallas, and Fort Worth counties.

We asked her what motivated her to organize the event. She responded,

“Like so many, I was speechless to hear the news about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but I also knew this was not the time to be silent. I am partnered with several women’s right movements and received an email asking to organize a vigil in my local community. I didn’t think twice about it. I had plans that I cancelled such as my youngest sons first kid pitch baseball tournament, a birthday dinner for my nephew, and surprise 40th birthday party for a dear friend (all Covid safe events). I didn’t know if anyone would show up, or if it would just be me. But it didn’t matter, I had to do my part.”

She added, “RBG was a living example of strength, courage, justice and empathy. Through her own adversities being Jewish, a woman, a mother, she was a true pioneer for equality. It was learning about her in my early thirties that I found my place as a feminist.

There are so many barriers to equality that women face beginning in childhood. I grew up in a poor community and depended on services such as Planned Parent Hood as a teenager. I have also had personal experiences in abortion and am all too familiar with the challenge women face in the workplace. Justice RBGs resolve for injustice and inequality was pragmatic, bold and admirable.”

Mrs. Gil hosts a podcast at Now What on Apple Podcasts and can also be found on YouTube,  at Instagram/Twitter: @dianegil_cwc and via email at:

##Updated – 09/21/2020 This post was updated to include additional information by the event organizer.

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