Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Trophy Club Journal

For the People

Rep. Tan Parker doesn’t support your right to vote

Trophy Club State Representative Tan Parker says he will not support giving Texans the right to Vote on TEXIT.

01/30/2021 – Trophy Club, TX

Texas House Representative Tan Parker (R), who represents the people of Trophy Club Texas, has determined that the people of Trophy Club, albeit all Texans, do not deserve the right to vote on whether Texas has the right to secede from the United States.

A bill known as HB 1359, the Texas Independence Referendum Act (aka: Let Texas Vote; TEXIT) has been proposed by Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R) of district 73 which if passed and signed by Gov. Abbot, put the issue of Texas Secession to a vote by the People. If citizens vote, “Yes”, then the bill requires the Texas Legislature to begin the process of writing terms and to begin the negotiations with the United States.

In a statement provided to the Trophy Club Journal, Rep. Parker stated,

“Texas is a vast state with a diverse population and distinct regions. While I respect the ability of each state legislator to introduce legislation they believe to be in the best interest of their constituents, I am not in support of weakening this Nation through this notion of secession. My love for our country and the freedom we cherish led me to public service, and I will instead work to keep Texas as the state that leads for America. My focus remains on strengthening Texas’ economy, getting more Texans back to work, returning our children to the classroom, ensuring election integrity, and lessening the burden of taxes and regulation. Now is not the time to turn our backs on the United States but rather preserve our democracy and build a brighter future for every American.”

While it is admirable that Rep. Parker loves his country, what he seems to have forgotten is that he is first a representative, elected by the People of Texas to represent them in the Texas Legislature, not the United States. As a representative of the People, it is his job to follow the will of the People. In short, Texas should come first.

If the People of Trophy Club, indeed all People of District 63 where Tan Parker calls home, decide that they want the right to be able to vote on the issue themselves, and not rely upon the whims of the politically connected elitist who may have a conflict of interest, then the People should have that right.

Does Tan Parker think that the People of Trophy Club are too stupid to make this decision for themselves? Honestly, we didn’t ask that question but by following social media it’s pretty clear that many people have come to the conclusion that Rep. Parker believes so.

Already the forces against Texas secession are mustering. False rumors and opinion are being spread in the news and on social media in an attempt to nip the proposal in the bud. Chief among them is the false narrative that it is not legal for Texas to secede.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it is clear with the very first document of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, that our founding fathers believed that the right of the People to determine the government of their choosing is a God-given right. They specifically declared it as such in the Preamble.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

So there is absolutely no question as to the right of the People of Texas to choose their representative government as far as the United States is concerned. But what about the laws of Texas?

We turn to the very first section of the Texas Constitution. Article 1 – Section 1

FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States.

So the Texas Constitution says we are a free and independent State in all ways except where the U.S. Constitution intervenes. Fortunately for us, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that forbids a State from leaving the Union… and why would there be? To our Founding Fathers, the right to choose self-governance is a God-given right reserved by the People.

Others on social media are clamoring about how the Civil War killed tens of thousands of people and we shouldn’t want to jump right into that again. But this argument is intended to scare people into submission and has no basis in fact.

BREXIT, a term assigned to the separation of the UK from the European Union, and the model by which the Texas Referendum was created, is essentially a contract dispute. The People of the UK voted to separate from the EU in 2016 and in 2020 the contracts were finally completed. On January 1, 2021 the UK was officially an independent sovereign nation once again. Not a single shot was fired.

The nuances of the contract dispute in terms of TEXIT are not part of the debate about whether or not Texans should assert their independence. There will be plenty of time to debate and negotiate the terms of the separation. All that is at issue right now is whether or not the People have the right to decide for themselves.

We encourage all Trophy Club Citizens to contact Tan Parker’s office and let him know how you feel about Texit, but more importantly about your right to make the decision yourself and NOT leave it up the Texas Legislature to decide for you.


The Trophy Club Journal is owned by Trophy Club Media, who also owns the website Texit Times and has provided the supporting documentation for this article.

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