Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Trophy Club Journal

For the People

Former Councilman calls for a boycott of TCJ for reporting inconvenient truths about candidates

Former Councilman calls for boycott of the Trophy Club Journal.

08/13/2020 – Trophy Club, TX

Rhylan Rowe

On Tuesday, former Trophy Club Councilman Rhylan Rowe called for Trophy Club leaders to “unfriend” the editor of the TCJ and “unfollow” his news outlet (ie: boycott the Trophy Club Journal). Rowe’s plea is in response to a personal post made by Michael Pipkins about Rowe’s friend and candidate for Mayor Eric Jensen. Jensen made a blatant attempt of pandering to the African American community after he made grossly racist remarks on his Facebook campaign page. (His posts have since been taken down.)

Mr. Rowe has made similar calls twice in the last few months. Each time in response to the TCJ reporting of accurate but unflattering & often embarrassing information about Rowe or one of his political allies.

In February, the Trophy Club Journal reported that Rowe was glorifying music that is littered with N-Word usage and Cop Killing lyrics. Rowe and his supporters found our reporting as being overly nitpicking and unjust.

But it would appear that the marijuana supporter and Libertarian doesn’t have much influence because each time he has called for a boycott readership in the Trophy Club Journal has grown in response.

Nonetheless, it seems to us to be rather ironic that a person who wants to represent the entire community is asking that same community to boycott one of its own citizens and take down the town’s only investigative news source.

Mr. Rowe quit the Trophy Club Council in 2019. Now he is asking the citizens to elect him again in a race for Place 1 against political rival Greg Lamont.

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